sliding scale - définition. Qu'est-ce que sliding scale
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Qu'est-ce (qui) est sliding scale - définition

Sliding scale; Sliding-scale; Sliding scale fee; Sliding-scale fee; Sliding-scale fees

sliding scale         
(sliding scales)
Payments such as wages or taxes that are calculated on a sliding scale are higher or lower depending on various different factors.
Many practitioners have a sliding scale of fees.
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sliding scale         
¦ noun a scale of fees, wages, etc., that varies in accordance with the variation of a particular standard.
Sliding scale fees         
Sliding scale fees are variable prices for products, services, or taxes based on a customer's ability to pay. Such fees are thereby reduced for those who have lower incomes, or alternatively, less money to spare after their personal expenses, regardless of income.


Sliding scale fees

Sliding scale fees are variable prices for products, services, or taxes based on a customer's ability to pay. Such fees are thereby reduced for those who have lower incomes, or alternatively, less money to spare after their personal expenses, regardless of income. Sliding scale fees are a form of price discrimination or differential pricing.

A business or organization may have various motivations for pricing a product or service on a sliding scale. These may include the desire to be charitable to those less able to afford the product or service, their ability to get a tax deduction for offering their services as charity, their ability to benefit from the revenue even from a partial payment, their retention of a longtime customer/client, or referrals that such a customer/client may provide.

For example, healthcare providers sometime offer a sliding scale of fees to patients. Some child-adoption agencies collect legal fees (normally very expensive) on a sliding scale, so that couples across a wider range of incomes are able to adopt children. Sliding-scale fees are also often charged by lawyers, places of worship, and for tuition at educational institutions.

Exemples de prononciation pour sliding scale
1. like a sliding scale.
Goal Play _ Paul Levy _ Talks at Google
2. with sliding scale tuition.
Schools On Trial _ Nikhil Goyal _ Talks at Google
3. a sliding scale pricing system
4. It's always a sliding scale.
The Credibility Code _ Cara Alter _ Talks at Google
5. Introversion and extroversion is a sliding scale,
Under New Management _ David Burkus _ Talks at Google
Exemples du corpus de texte pour sliding scale
1. Above that level, there‘s a sliding scale of discounts.
2. This happens on a sliding scale for assets ranging between 12,000 and 20,000.
3. Child Tax Credit, pays a maximum of 2,3'0, on a downward sliding scale.
4. Originally, the charges would have been on a sliding scale – with more serious offenders paying more than drivers.
5. Plans for a sliding scale were considered three years ago, but were dropped before the 2005 general election.